Thursday, October 29, 2015

At Stiletto Stampede Saturday October 31

Why do I want everyone to know her Skin Carotenoid Score?

Because I don't want to see as many women get breast cancer... and...

  • the Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) is your best measure of carotenoid status
  • women with higher carotenoid levels have fewer breast cancers (previous posts)
  • everything (except prescription drugs) I recommend to lower your risk raises the SCS
    • being lean -- raises your SCS
    • regular exercise -- raises your SCS
    • not being sedentary -- raises your SCS
    • eating more colorful fruits and veggies -- raises your SCS
    • losing weight -- raises your SCS
    • quitting smoking -- raises your SCS
    • getting away from second hand smoke -- raises your SCS
    • taking high quality antioxidant supplements -- raises your SCS
How do you learn your SCS?

Put your palm on the BioPhotonic Scanner for 30 seconds at the Stiletto Stampede in the Triangle to get an immediate result!
Then let us explain your risk for breast cancer and how you may reduce your risk!
Come back in two months for another scan to chart your progress toward the lowest breast cancer risk!  The measurable difference!

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancer cases this year!  Don't you know someone who needs to be one of those 90,000!

This is general content and not personal medical  advice, but call 512-451-5788 today to find out your level of protection from breast cancer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


A new study in Annals of Internal Medicine, also discussed in today's New York Times,  attempts to determine which women with "dense" breast tissue would benefit most from supplemental screening.  The authors do note that previous studies have shown that women with "dense" breast tissue do have more breast cancers.  The Times further reports: An expert, not part of the study, Dr. Carol Lee, a diagnostic radiologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, said, “I think this paper gives some very good information. But I don’t think it answers the question.”

I couldn't agree more! It certainly doesn't completely answer the question.  You still need to discuss the issue with your Doctor.  Until the matter is sorted out: Why not consider what you may do for prevention?  

A study in Cancer Research confirms the inverse association between carotenoid levels and breast cancer
: overall, a 30% reduction in breast cancers with higher carotenoid levels (similar to many other studies).  Especially remarkable, in women with the highest breast density (and highest risk for breast cancer), those women with higher carotenoid levels had 50% fewer breast cancers!

Eat your colorful vegetables and fruits (more carotenoids), take your Lifepak™nano (more about that in future posts) and get your Skin Carotenoid Score to monitor your increase in level of protection from breast cancer!  The more carotenoids the FEWER breast cancers!  

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancers this year!  

This is general content and not personal medical advice, but call 512-451-5788 to get your scan.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The Breast Cancer FAC's starting point!

Let's start at the beginning.  Get the appropriate screening for breast cancer: studies have shown that screening for breast cancer saves lives (previous post).

Then, when you know you don't have breast cancer, find out your level of protection from breast cancer, by getting a 30 second palm scan with the BioPhotonic Scanner to learn your Skin Carotenoid Score.  After that we can help you, not only know where you are in your level of protection, but help you make a plan to raise your level of protection and follow your progress with serial scans.  The evidence is clear that the higher the Skin Carotenoid Score the higher the level of protection from most chronic diseases and cancers, including breast cancer (evidence).

Imagine 90,000 fewer breast cancer cases this year!

Envision yourself on the measurable course to the highest level of protection!

Resolve to do all you can to avoid breast cancer and be one of those 90,000!

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancers this year!

This is general medical content and not personal medical advice, but call 512-451-5788 to set up an appointment for your scan.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Breast Cancer FAC's, just the FAC's

Yes, that's right: The Breast Cancer FAC's.

Food: which foods to eat and which to avoid, how much and when

Activity: moving around, not sitting, and of course, REGULAR EXERCISE

Carotenoids: where do you get them and which are the best for you 

Everything you wanted to know about how to lower your risk for breast cancer!

Blog posts over the next few months will look in depth at each of these Breast Cancer FAC's so that you may determine what you can do to lower your personal risk for breast cancer.  We can monitor your progress toward maximum protection with the BioPhotonic Scanner.

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancers this year!

This post is general content and not personal medical advice, but check in each week to learn the Breast Cancer FAC's and share with friends and family.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why I want everyone to know her Skin Carotenoid Score

Why do I want everyone to know her Skin Carotenoid Score?

Because I don't want to see as many women get breast cancer... and...

  • the Skin Carotenoid Score (SCS) is your best measure of carotenoid status
  • women with higher carotenoid levels have fewer breast cancers (previous posts)
  • everything (except prescription drugs) I recommend to lower your risk raises the SCS
    • being lean -- raises your SCS
    • regular exercise -- raises your SCS
    • not being sedentary -- raises your SCS
    • eating more colorful fruits and veggies -- raises your SCS
    • losing weight -- raises your SCS
    • quitting smoking -- raises your SCS
    • getting away from second hand smoke -- raises your SCS
    • taking high quality antioxidant supplements -- raises your SCS
How do you learn your SCS?

Put your palm on the BioPhotonic Scanner for 30 seconds to get an immediate result!
Then let us explain your risk for breast cancer and how you may reduce your risk!
Come back in two months for another scan to chart your progress toward the lowest breast cancer risk!  The measurable difference!

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancer cases this year!  Don't you know someone who needs to be one of those 90,000!

This is general content and not personal medical  advice, but call 512-451-5788 today to find out your level of protection from breast cancer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Time to check your protection from BREAST CANCER

Yes!  We want to help you get the most protection you can from breast cancer.

I offer you the the opportunity to learn your level of protection: with a 30 second hand scan and immediate result, giving you YOUR Skin Carotenoid Score, with our Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner.  Then we can review your lifestyle choices and show you which ones increase your level of protection.

Prior posts have reviewed the large scientific studies demonstrating that more carotenoids mean fewer breast cancers!  See Carotenoids Reduce Your Risk for Breast Cancer.

In a prior post (Scanner Score and Breast Cancer RISK REDUCTION), I discussed the Scanner Score and its meaning for breast cancer and YOU!  

The Pharmanex BioPhotonice Scanner (see more Scanner specifics and Scanner Science) is the most reliable way to measure YOUR carotenoid level.  We can help you raise your level: How to Improve YOUR Antioxidant Score.

Imagine: fewer chronic diseases and cancers when we all have high carotenoid scores!  Call for your appointment today; 512-451-5788.

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancer cases this year.

The content is general and not personal medical advice, but call to arrange a time to find out YOUR Skin Carotenoid Score and tell a friend.

Monday, October 6, 2014

FREE Antioxidant Scores this week only!

We have seen in the recent posts that the higher the carotenoid score the lower your risk for breast cancer.  See my last post about carotenoids and breast cancer.

Now we have the best way to measure your antioxidant state: The Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner.  In just 30 seconds you can know your score and the higher the score the lower the risk for breast cancer.  

This week (Oct 6-10) in celebration of Breast Cancer Awareness Month we are doing FREE hand scans!  In just 30 seconds you can learn your level of protection from breast cancer and if yours is low we can tell you how to improve it.  Call 512-451-5788 for your 15 minute appointment and tell a friend.

Together we can prevent 90,000 breast cancer cases this year!