Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Even better news about the BREVAGen Test

The second of the breast cancer risk screening tests or risk assessment tests that we will discuss is the BREVAGen Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Test.  We have seen that it is uniquely powerful to identify those women at high risk because it includes your genetics and personal information http://drwinsett.blogspot.com/2012/04/more-personalized-breast-cancer.html.

The BREVAGen gives both a 5-year and lifetime risk, so we can make recommendations according to American Cancer Society (ACS) and the American Society of Clinical Oncologists (ASCO) published guidelines.

The two results, which align with the guidelines, give us information that allows us to make a breast health plan for you, both for diagnostic studies and for treatment recommendations.

If the 5-year risk is high you may fit the ASCO guidelines, derived from a large breast cancer prevention trial, to be offered an estrogen receptor blocker, which has been shown to reduce breast cancer risk by 50%.  This, of course would be in addition to being active, being lean, regular exercise, cruciform vegetables and, alcohol and meat limitation.   

If the lifetime risk is high you might fit the ACS guidelines for increased surveillance with breast MRI or other study in addition to mammography and sonography.

You will be empowered with the knowledge.  The BREVAGen results give you and your doctor the option to make a plan for breast cancer risk reduction that is personalized to you.

Call 512-451-5788 to get the BREAVAGen or check online for a doctor near you offering the test at http://brevagen.com/find.

Together we can prevent 75,000 breast cancer cases each year!

This content is general medical information and not personal medical advice.

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